Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep plays a large role in overall health. It’s important to digestion, for tissue repair and keeping the immune system strong. Sleep is part of a balanced Ayurvedic lifestyle. It’s important to not only get enough sleep, but to have sound sleep. If you have trouble sleeping or your sleep is restless, these sleep hygiene tips can help you get the sound sleep you need.

  • Go to bed and wake about the same time every day – your body responds to routine and if it is used to going to sleep and waking up at the same time, it will start to do so naturally.
  • Get regular exercise – this helps the body relax and fall into deeper sleep at night; it’s best to exercise in the morning, but if you can’t try for at least three hours before bed; yoga is a form of exercise that is proven to help sleep.
  • Get some exposure to sunlight each day – sunlight supports the circadian rhythm of body and helps you fall into a natural and sound sleep at night.
  • Reduce exposure to artificial light before bed – try to turn electronics off at least 30 minutes before bed; artificial light disrupts our natural sleep cycle and light from electronics has been shown to hinder sleep.
  • Create a relaxing atmosphere – whether it be relaxing music, or scented oils, find what works for you.
  •  Make the room cool and dark as possible
  • Do not have a tv or electronics in the bedroom
  • Avoid late eating – eat dinner at least three hours before bed and avoid late snacking

Create a bedtime routine that works for you and helps you wind down and prepare for sleep. Read a book, listen to music, meditate, take a warm bath – find the routine that helps you fall asleep and sleep soundly.